You have to do it yourself.” I hear this all the time. It is a common complaint. Another version is, “It’s just easier to do it myself than to explain it to someone.” These statements are either given as an excuse not to delegate or as a put down of another person, i.e., the other

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The key to resolving Intergenerational Communication Issues is to first discover what are your underlying attitudes and beliefs about the other generations at your workplace? Do you ever think any of these thoughts or have any of these beliefs: These “kids” think they know everything This younger generation has a sense of entitlement “They” don’t

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Maybe often seems like the sensible answer, neither yes nor no.  It’s a safe answer, isn’t it?  Maybe can take many forms. Statements such as “I’ll think about it,” “I have to check my calendar,” “I don’t want to commit then disappoint,” “I don’t want to make a mistake,” I’ll wait and see,” keep us

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“You’ve got to ask. Asking is, in my opinion, the world’s most powerful and neglected secret to success and happiness.” ~ Percy Ross, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur Somewhere along the way, being a “lone ranger” became revered. Going solo became the ideal. The irony is, it is virtually impossible to accomplish anything alone. There is always

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Here in the US we just experienced a federal government shut down and it is easy to point fingers, “Those people in Congress don’t know what they’re doing,” “Why can’t they come to an agreement?” or some version of that. I think it is more valuable to look inside your own life and ask, “Where

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I went to a conference last week, which featured a business expo with about one hundred organizations participating. There were elaborate table displays with everything from free drawings to promotional items and literature. Each booth had one or two people representing the organization. It was shocking to me the large number of people working the

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