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Going for what you want is disruptive

I know this may sound like something everyone knows. However, in my experience people do not realize that their life is currently set up or designed for the results they have. If you want a different result, YOU MUST CHANGE the way your life is currently structured. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. That’s the definition of insanity.

Here is an example; one of my closest friends was very overweight for her entire life. I am not talking slightly overweight; she was well over 100 pounds over weight. She tried lots or things to lose weight but nothing ever stuck until one day at age 45 she was rushed to the hospital with a life threatening issue and she decided to handle her weight problem once and for all.

How you ask? She turned her life upside down. She became an avid bike rider, she completely overhauled her eating and she gave up her sedentary lifestyle. She has organized her life around living healthy. She not only lost all the excess weight but she has kept it off for many years. She REALLY wanted the results in her life to change. She wasn’t being mamby-pamby about it.

It took completely disrupting the way her life was structured to cause the results to change. Most people are not willing to do that for their goals. They try to fit things in without investigating how the current structure is perpetuating the problem. They take tentative actions that quickly fall by the wayside because their life is not designed for the outcome they say they want.

If you are not willing to disrupt your life, chances are you won’t get the new results you are looking for or be able to sustain them.

How do you discover what results your life is structured for? One easy way is to look at your calendar. What are you spending your time on? Is it the “old outcome” or the “new goal”. If you have a goal to increase your revenue, for example, look at your calendar or your actions and see how much time are you actually spending on revenue producing activity.

There is no mystery to results. What you spend time and energy on grows. Most of the time we are blind to the things that get in the way because most of the time it is our thinking that causes the problem. Your thinking is the first thing that needs to get disrupted in order to achieve new results.

If you want to explore your thinking, uncover the barriers to achieving your next level of success and experience a powerful coaching session, contact me today.

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