Are you “All in”?

“All in” is another way of saying are you committed? Most people have a weak relationship to commitment or being committed. In other words, they are committed unless a good enough reason not to comes up.  They relate to commitment like it is optional or it depends on the circumstances at the time. It sounds like this, “I said I was going to but…” or “I am committed to eating healthier but my coworkers keep bringing in junk food,” etc.

I once heard this analogy for being “all in”:  think of it like bacon and eggs; the chicken is “involved” the pig is “all in”. 

Knowing how you are about your commitments is very valuable information. If you know you are like the chicken (involved) and only keep your commitments when everything lines up just right, then you can expect your results to suffer; you won’t likely achieve your goals or resolutions and other people will not think of you as dependable.

On the other hand if you are someone who is more like the pig, “all in,” then you stick to your commitments come hell or high water. You are a result producer. You take actions consistent with what you said and are more interested in keeping your commitments than being comfortable.

All in means that you really go for it and don’t hold back; there is no back door. It can feel like risky way to operate because of the fear of failing. However, when you hedge your bets and take tentative or uncertain actions there is just as much if not more risk of failure.

So when it comes to your goals or resolutions for 2014, are you willing to play full out and be “all in”? Be honest with yourself so you don’t have to go through the pretense of “trying” to make it.

Come on… GO FOR IT! If you want to go for it and want a partner in achieving your goals, schedule a free strategy session.

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