“All in” is another way of saying are you committed? Most people have a weak relationship to commitment or being committed. In other words, they are committed unless a good enough reason not to comes up.  They relate to commitment like it is optional or it depends on the circumstances at the time. It sounds

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This is the year I am going to… get in shape, lose weight, quit smoking, make six figures, be more assertive, be kinder, have more patience, etc. Good ideas, great intentions and likely you were incredibly committed at the time of saying them but predictably you will give up on your resolutions within a matter

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I was walking through a store today and for some reason I started noticing the facial expressions of the people around me. It was amazing how much I was assessing and interpreting based strictly on their facial expressions. It got me thinking about how unconscious most of us are to the expression on our faces

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If you are like most people the holiday season brings a lot of added stress and anxiety to your life.  There is so much pressure to get it right; to have it be perfect (whatever that means). Let’s face it; you already have a full life. Adding twenty to a hundred new items on your

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Ineffective communication and miscommunication costs businesses millions and millions of dollars each year. Everything from incorrect orders, to inefficient processes, to people becoming disengaged and reducing productivity, to delivering something to a wrong address – these are just a few examples of how miscommunication and ineffective communication negatively impact the bottom line in business.  I

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That’s right, I said it. Setting goals is B.S. (Barely Sufficient) There is so much hype to set goals and objectives as we move into the New Year . It is as if people have magical thinking when it comes to goal setting. There is nothing wrong with setting goals however the act of setting

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